Don Udugala

PHP Programmer

Full Stack Developer/Magento Developer

Web Solution Architect


Love Python, Node, React


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Don Udugala

PHP Programmer

Full Stack Developer/Magento Developer

Web Solution Architect


Love Python, Node, React

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Webmin, Virtualmin, Ubuntu 20 change default PHP CLI mode

January 31, 2023 Servers, Ubuntu
Webmin, Virtualmin, Ubuntu 20 change default PHP CLI mode

One of my ubuntu server  have multiple PHP versions. PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2.

You can change Php versions from each virtual host by virtualmin. However, it does not change default Php cli version.

For example, let’s say you need to change your server default php version to php 8.1 instad php 8.2.

SSH and under sudo run

sudo update-alternatives –config php

This will prompt to change php version