Don Udugala

PHP Programmer

Full Stack Developer/Magento Developer

Web Solution Architect


Love Python, Node, React


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Don Udugala

PHP Programmer

Full Stack Developer/Magento Developer

Web Solution Architect


Love Python, Node, React

Blog Post

Magento 2 Front-end development with React PWA Studio

Magento 2 Front-end development with React PWA Studio

As a full-stack developer, it’s always a pleasure to work with different languages on different projects. It is rewarding to work with projects that use few of my favorite languages, Node, React, PHP and MYSQL.

Starting from 2022, I have decided to advice my clients to use PWA Studio for Magento 2 front-end. I hope series of articles about PWA Studio will help others do the same.

There are countless articles about the benefits of PWA storefront. So I’m not going to explain what is PWA Studio and it’s benefits.

Checklist to use PWA Studio

Budget is the main factor when deciding on your storefront development with PWA Studio. Maintaining a PWA site requires technical know-how. It’s a bit different from your average Magento development. It requires knowledge of frontend frameworks such as React. So you need to have a developer with knowledge of Node and React.

Experience and Expertise matter. There will be countless modifications to both PWA Studio and Magento back-end to work with PWA Studio to deliver your store frontend. So make sure to check out the experience and expertise of your developer. Look for a developer with knowledge and experience with Node, React, Webpack, and Magento 2.

Technology Requirement. Another advantage of PWA storefront is to separate your back-end Magento store from the storefront. If you are using a multi-store setup, you can install your PWA instance in separate data centers close to your service regions, which require some additional technical experience. Make sure to plan that ahead of time.

The end Goal is the user experience. It’s all about improving your storefront user experience in terms of performance. With PWA Studio in your storefront, you just started to improve it. 

Joing my youtube channel to learn more about PWA Studio.
